still in some kind of lockdown after a month. everything closed including THE SEA. getting arrested if you're outside for something else than groceries
planning the escape from Macau, for around Oct/Nov. it's been a good 14 years of summer here. unlivable now. the zero Covid policies bring complete uncertainty. can't work, can't get coffee outside, can't work out, can't hike, can't swim.
working full-time on kindaVim, Vim motions for the whole macOS. 56 subscribers now!
preparing for the first alpha release of Wooshy. it's like Alfred but for the UI. search the UI and click
built an Alfred Workflow Wooshy: Window to the Foreground! so that you can switch app windows, as with Alfred you can only switch apps. made to be used with Wooshy, in order to bring windows to the foreground so that you can target its UI elements.